The SJW feeding frenzy

I noticed with some amusement that Larry Correia watched a feeding frenzy among some of the Social Justice Warrior set as they set upon one of their own.

Apparently a member of the literati SJW army—and super prestigious Campbell nominee for BEST NEW WRITER—has turned out to be a huge internet troll, with a bunch of aliases, attacking and tormenting people. Of course, those of you who read this blog or followed Sad Puppies are like, duh… They attack and torment Larry, and anybody who agrees with him nonstop, but no my friends… Benjanun Sriduangkaew did the unthinkable and used their regular SJW tactics of threats, insults, intimidation, and career sabotage against fellow SJWs, and that is super badthink!
Now, when you threaten, intimidate, troll, and try to sabotage the career of anybody who disagrees with the Social Justice narrative, then that is doubleplus good! Try not to get confused.

Larry has the full details. I find these SJW types truly bizarre, they seem disconnected from reality. So obsessed with identity politics and the Progressive Stack and who can take gold at the Victimhood Olympics.
Don’t worry, Sci Phi is never going to go along with any of this sort of thing. I care nothing for your background when it comes to buying stories, I only care that you spin an interesting tale.
Story is everything … well … except the philsophy … that matters too.


  1. Wonder-filled scientific/philosophical/Theological considerations woven within these stories, with a true sense of AWE. I believe it was Aristotle–or perhaps St. Thomas Aquinas–who said that “The highest pursuit of mankind is that of AWE.”
    One little ‘caveat emptor’ regarding writing style, please. There is such a thing as the “Past Tense” in writing, rather than perpetual Present, Present Participle with an occasional Future Tense regarding verbs and adverbs. For example, NEWS reporters these days repeatedly often give such ANTI-PAST TENSE reporting as: “A car CRASHES into a house outside Philadelphia yesterday.” The correct form would be: “A car crashed into a house outside Philadelphia yesterday.” Note how often TV News writers accentuate the present over the past tense, even if the story is already a day or two old. Story writers sometimes fall into the same present participial preponderance.

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