Issue #4 is now available.
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“The Writing Coach by David Feela, a tale of Nietzsche and writers block
“An Iron Shell of Ritual” by Jeff Racho, who asks what happens when you try to convert a robot?
“Icarus Falls” by Alex Shvartsman, who wonders what happens when a hero fades and memory is lost.
“Take Up Your Cross” by Anthony Marchetta, who explores what you can do with a time machine, a rifle and a certain city in 33AD.
“NanoAmerica” by David John Baker, who seeks to understand what it means to be human.
“Bunny Rabbit” by E.J. Shumak and “The Wallet” by Paul Levinson.
“Better Man or Better Genes by Cheryl Frazier, concerning the Brave New World of genetic engineering and Gattaca.
“Saga’s Lying Cat” by Ruth Tallman, addresses the complexities of lying.
“The Confluence Between Literary and Scientific Imagination” by Arlan Andrews Sr. and “On the Sentient Constraints of a Sentient-Containing Universe” by Jeffrey A. Corkern.
The serial novel Beyond the Mist by Ben Zwycky continues with Chapters 6 & 7, and there are also book reviews by Peter Sean Bradley.
Latest from Fact & Opinion
A controversial literary proposition, by Mariano Martín Rodríguez.
A comprehensive, whirlwind tour around the surprisingly large speculative corpus of a small language, by Éva
A survey of ideological diversity (or the occasional lack thereof) in speculative fiction, by Mina.
Come meet the new academic home of speculative philosophy, by Anand Vaidya, Ethan Mills, and Manjula
On player agency and building unforeseen narratives, by Ádám Gerencsér.