Issue #8 is off and running and other news


So Issues #7 is out the door, and Issue #8 has started production. I am even finally on top of my “to read” pile and it has shurnk from 20+ to 6 as of this morning. I will be sending emails on Saturday morning to people. I also have about 30 submissions sitting in my “to process” pile, sorry for the delay in responding to them, that will be done Saturday morning as well. I also have more first readers so we should be getting through the submissions soon.
For someone who has submitted a story, (first in! I am looking for someone to give me a quick hand with the submission system so people can track the status themselves. Maybe we will even work towards automatically letting people submit. So, could someone waiting on an answer please shoot me an email if you are happy to be the guinea pig. It shouldn’t effect anything and shouldn’t take long but it will help make submissions more transparent and easier to track.
Finally, had another story withdrawn because someone didn’t want to be involved with Vox Day and Castalia House. Neither have anything to do with the publication apart from reselling it through the Castalia House Store. It’s fine, if people want to be short sighted they can be, but it is just weird and I don’t get it.

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