The Window by Denny E. Marshall



Denny E. Marshall

Calvin hated living in the town’s underground bunker. He was nine when forced to retreat to the shelter to survive. Now twelve years later he wants to see the surface, the sun, the sky, and the stars. His father is a high-ranking official in the underground fortress. Calvin is getting antsy and his father is afraid he might do something stupid.

“Calvin come with me, I want to show you something.” His father says.

Calvin follows him down a narrow corridor for several minutes. They walk into a small room.

The room is empty except for a small hatch in one of the walls. The hatch is about a meter above the floor, and about the size of a car tire.

“I need you to swear to secrecy before I show you this. You can never tell anyone.”

Calvin is puzzled then curious, and agrees. “I swear to you I won’t say a word.”

His father enters several codes and unlocks the hatch. Once the window is open Calvin can see sunlight. He looks closely and is in shock.

Calvin isn’t in an underground bunker, he’s in a satellite. While distressing, this was far less unnerving than the fact that the earth is missing. Gone might be a better word. His father closes the hatch. The small town spins around the sun ninety-three million miles away.

Food For Thought

When you’re with a person every day you don’t notice changes much. If you don’t see them for years, then you notice the changes and they seem greater. This is true for everything in life. How large would the changes be over decades or after a disaster?

About the Author

Denny E. Marshall has had art, poetry, and fiction published. Some recently. Mostly does artwork. Does not have any books or books for sale. He is plain. See more at

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