I have had some time to get on top of things a bit and am making progress I things I need to read, which is good, and expect a lot of emails over the next few days. I am going to add a counter here to track outstanding things. Should help remind me to do at least a bit a week.
Also, the first digest version is in the works, if you are interested in getting a paper copy and you are a subscriber, please contact me (editor@sciphijournal). I can do them at cost for you.
Finally, I appeared on The Catholic Geek podcast with Declan Finn author of [easyazon_link cloaking=”default” keywords=”declan finn” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”superversivesf-20″]the Pius Trilogy and other books[/easyazon_link]
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