Why is there never enough time for everything? We are working on submissions, I will be getting back to people soon. I know I keep saying that, but we really are making progress.
There are various plans afoot, including a new comic that we have a number of people working with Cat Leonard on making something happen. Expect it to come out on the off month of a regular issue. I’m not sure of the price yet, probably $1.99 for the ebook version.
I’m also interested in gauging interest in a Kickstarter to fund a Sci Phi Reader? I have more stories than I can use for the journal and am interested in putting together something like that but I don’t really have the money to pay everybody. The plan would be to put together about 100,000 words worth of material with introductions and themes for the collections of stories. What sort of rewards would people want apart from obvious ones like copies, journal copies, art prints and the like? Cat Leonard is going to make some of her original Sci Phi artwork for donors. What do people think? One stretch goal would be an audio version of it as well.
Also the magazine wont be using ISBN numbers any more as we have offical ISSN numbers. This will hopefully make organizing some sort of subscription option easier.
Finally, Brian had a poster up at a Con he went to! How cool do these look.
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Very cool poster! It would make a great avatar picture if Sci Phi Journal has a Twitter account.
We normally post content through @SuperversiveSF
One thing an editor and his artist did for me that was really cool was when I got a cover they gave me permission to use it as my facebook and email avatar. It also promotes the mag. http://www.amazon.com/Stupefying-Stories-July-2013-II-ebook/dp/B00DR11UI0
I’d be happy to pay (or donate an amount) for an original painting by Cat!